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Pneumatic Products for Safe Systems

Help & advice on Pneumatic Products for use in Safe Systems, how to keep your machine safe to use and increase operator safety.

Pneumatic Products for Safe Systems

The issue of safety in the workplace is becoming increasingly important for machinery manufacturers who are forced to sort out a mass of continuously evolving standards, the focal point of which remains the Machinery Directive. In order to ensure conformity of the machine, the manufacturer must verify that it meets the safety requirements listed in the directive and guarantee compliance with the harmonised standards published in the European Union’s Official Journal and relating to the product in question. Generally, pneumatic products are not designed as safety components. Therefore, they are not directly covered under legislative scope. Pneumatic components however, are used frequently to satisfy safety related functions.

Airlane supply a wide variety of pneumatic products for safe systems that can help you conform to safety requirements. Let us introduce you to some of the components we supply. Click on the links to the left to find out more about the different products and how they can help you!

To see some examples of these products in action, click here.


Health and Safety Brochure

Click here to download our Health and Safety brochure.